About Us

Mental health issues are highly prevalent in our society, especially now.

At The Ki, we provide accessible, high-quality, affordable mental-health services catering to the Johannesburg Jewish Community. Our therapeutic services – delivered by an array of specialised mental health practitioners – meet the needs of the whole community, including women, men, couples, teens, and children.

The Need

Now more than ever, people are suffering from anxiety, depression, marital issues and addiction, with some even at risk of suicide. The Covid-19 pandemic has compounded these issues, and reports of abuse and domestic violence have risen across the globe.

Some see it as a luxury
they simply cannot afford.

Financial constraints have caused many to move onto a hospital plan which does not cover therapy, while others are on a medical aid with limited coverage.

Not a Priority

There are those who require therapy or professional help, but do not prioritise it. Other people are not even aware that they should look after their mental health and seek out help, the same way they would go to a doctor if they had a broken leg. Unfortunately, there is a widespread lack of mental health awareness.


What are the benefits of Short-term therapy?

Short-term therapy, also known as brief therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on resolving specific issues and achieving targeted goals within a relatively short timeframe. Unlike traditional long-term therapies that can extend for several months or years, short-term therapy typically involves a limited number of sessions, often ranging from a few weeks to a few months.

The key benefits of short-term therapy include:

  • Focused approach
    It concentrates on addressing specific concerns or problems, making it highly effective for individuals seeking immediate relief or solutions.
  • Time efficiency
    Short-term therapy is time-limited, which can be appealing to those who have busy schedules or want to see quick results.
  • Cost-effective
    As it requires fewer sessions, it may be more affordable than long-term therapy.
  • Goal-oriented
    Short-term therapy emphasizes setting achievable goals and working towards them, promoting a sense of progress and accomplishment.
  • Crisis intervention
    It can be particularly useful for individuals dealing with acute or time-sensitive issues, such as coping with a recent traumatic event or managing a specific crisis.
  • Symptom relief
    Short-term therapy often focuses on symptom reduction and practical coping strategies, helping clients experience immediate relief from distress.

In the short-term therapy model, we are not aiming to heal a complete person; instead, we focus on addressing 1 or 2 specific issues. Our goal is to help individuals return to their previous state before encountering these problems. Long-term therapy, on the other hand, can sometimes be counterproductive, leading to negative self-perceptions and a sense of dependence.
While the individual may not be perfectly healed, with short term therapy they can aim to reach back to their baseline of 'normal.'
This approach empowers people, leaving them feeling better and more confident and is highly effective.


We are very excited to introduce our inclusion and anti-bullying program to our schools.

Yedid is a student-based initiative whereby Grade 11 students (who apply and are accepted) receive extensive basic counselling and group facilitation skills training.


The training can be used towards their community service.

The Goal

The goal is that grade 11 Yedidim will meet with their younger Yedidim once a week for 10 minutes.


Packswill be provided each week to aid a conversation/discussion. The goal of the project is to build relationships horizontally with peers in the same grade and also with the older grade vertically in order to prevent bullying, and to ensure that no student feels alone and isolated, but rather knows that they have someone to turn to if they are struggling.

Woman Empowerment Program

Our Woman Empowerment Program is a year-long initiative designed to support single mothers in achieving financial independence. Through a combination of personal growth courses, individualized mentoring sessions with business experts, and comprehensive finance courses, we empower participants to build a secure and prosperous future.

Lara Noik Legacy Fund

Lara Noik was an exceptional therapist specializing in couples. In her memory, we have established the Lara Noik Legacy Fund, which offers affordable and accessible couples therapy to those unable to afford the full fees. We miss Lara deeply and are committed to continuing her legacy of exceptional counselling to the community

Our Services


Our focus is on short-term, high-impact therapy, and we will offer packages of 8 sessions for each client. Each session will be 50 minutes. After this initial round of therapy, the client’s therapeutic journey will be assessed, and where necessary the client will be given more sessions.


After an initial phone interview, clients will be assigned to an appropriate therapist from our team of highly specialised therapists.


If you prefer, online therapy can be provided.

People assisted with short term therapy including individuals, teens, children and couples.
Individuals have joined our various courses such as DBT, parenting and IFS training.
Our Prices

Without Medical Aid

A 50-minute therapy session will be billed from R400 depending on Medical Aid plan.

With Medical Aid

A 50-minute therapy session will be billed at R400. Please note that this amount is below normal medical aid rates which allows your funds to stretch much further.

Our clients’ means will not be questioned or investigated – we operate on the basis of trust and personal accountability. Confidentiality will be ensured.


The Ki is active in the community and partners with other communal organisations to promote mental health awareness, psycho education, as well as providing different kinds of mutual aid groups in areas such as trauma, trauma debriefing, marriage enrichment, parenting, coping with anxiety and stress management.

The Ki Partners with:

The Shoshana Foundation - providing their single mother beneficiaries with specialized, affordable and accessible therapy. Click on the link to learn more about their work. www.shoshanafoundation.co.za

Ohr Somayach – providing psycho educational programmes and therapeutic and skills-based groups to community members and beyond. Click on the link to learn more about their work.

We offer a vital therapeutic referral source to various community helpline and trauma services, as well as opportunities for specialized training programmes.

If you would like your community organization to partner with The Ki, please don’t hesitate to contact us to explore synergy. Email: helpme@theki.co.za

Our Team



Tova is a registered social worker, 3 principles practitioner and DBT coach.

Tova runs a private practice where she combines DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) with the 3 Principles Paradigm. She sees tweens, teens and adults and has a special interest in healing from childhood sexual abuse.

She specializes in parenting programs, Resilience workshops and DBT courses and is passionate about pointing people in the direction of their own wellbeing.

Claudia Abelheim


Claudia holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology. She has spent the last 13 years working in  individual and family therapy, extensive work with teenagers and parents, conducting training, workshop facilitation and public talks.  In 2020,  Claudia also founded and heads up Solid Ground, a therapeutic company offering wellness services, divorce and family mediation and youth talk, which aims to educate students, parents and teachers on topics that include puberty 101, sexual health,  and interpersonal skills.


Past Director, Current Board Member

After completing her Masters in Social Work and a post Masters training in Family Therapy at the Neve Family Institute in Israel, Maria and her family relocated to Johannesburg where she opened a private practice and sees individual clients both in person and online. She specialises in trauma, integrating EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) and IFS (Internal Family Systems). She also works as a programme facilitator in IFS international trainings. Maria started The Ki in 2020 when she saw the need for more affordable and accessible therapy for the community.
Maria has decided to focus her time on IFS and has joined our board so continues to have her finger on the pulse of the Ki.

In loving memory of



Lara co-directed the Ki from the time of its inception and worked tirelessly up until the last few weeks of her life.
Lara worked as a social worker in private practice and incorporated the principles of innate mental health, resilience, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and relationship modalities into her practice. She believed in the innate resilience that exists within each human being and was passionate about empowering her clients to access their potential and to live their best possible lives. She believed in ‘good mood therapy’, i.e., a positive and nurturing space that uncovers inner strength and mental health. She worked with individuals, couples and families and facilitated groups and workshops. Her philosophy was always : ‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
We pay tribute to the woman and therapist that Lara was.

Leonard Carr

Senior consultant

Leonard is a well-respected clinical psychologist working in private practice as a psychotherapist, working with individuals, couples, families, children, and adolescents. He also works as an organisational development consultant, expert witness and coach. He runs growth courses on relationships and personal mastery through understanding personality.

Associate Therapists

Gabi ArensonGabi is a counselling psychologist. She aims to facilitate growth in her clients as they work through life's obstacles. Her areas of interest include: personal growth and well-being, life adjustments and transitions, relationship difficulties, parenting support, depression and anxiety, bereavement and infertility.
Darren Bessarabie
Darren is a psychologist who sees teens and adults, families and couples. He works with grief, trauma, anxiety and anything else that would come up.
Arlene BernsteinArlene has a Clinical Masters in Mental Health. She has a private practice  consulting to individuals, couples and young adults to enhance relationships and build self-awareness. She also fellow professionals for supervision and consults to various counselling organisations and NGOs in the field of people management, education, resilience, trauma and debriefing, life-skills training courses and management of volunteers.
Lior blumenthalLior Blumenthal is an Educational Psychologist. She works with individuals of all ages and also administers psycho-educational assessments. Her special interest lies in maximizing strengths and learning to navigate challenges
Aliza Bilman
Dr. Aliza Bilman is a qualified clinical psychologist, with a Doctor of Psychology degree (PsyD) from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the United States. Aliza’s passion is EMDR, an internationally recognized and empirically supported psychothera-peutic approach, which she uses to help her clients strengthen their coping resources and treat trauma, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
Hila Chalmers Hila is a social worker in private practice with over 18 years of experience working with individuals and families. She has a special interest in working with people going through divorce and co-parenting after divorce.
Vanessa FeldmanVanessa is an  educational  psychologist in private practice. Vanessa trained at  UNISA and Wits and lectured  at Boston City  Campus for 14 years . She has worked at various schools throughout the years and has years of experience working with adolescents. She sees children for play therapy , teens , and adults, using dynamic psychotherapy as one of her therapeutic models. She also does trauma debriefing
Ilanit is an educational psychologist who has worked in schools for the last 20 years. Her current interests are working with anxiety and developing self-awareness and coping strategies. 
Shira GutnikShira's passion for people drew her to pursuing a career in organizational psychology. She has a specific interest in understanding the mind, understanding individuals and understanding how each person can be optimized. She went on to pursue training through the Neuroleadership Institute, where she obtained the title of Brain Based Coach. This combination of psychology and neuroscience, with a specific focus on creating positive change for people, offered the perfect merge of both worlds.
WENDY HARTSMAN Wendy is an educational psychologist specialising in working with children (play therapy), adolescents, young adults, and parents. In addition, she also does psycho-educational assessments. 
LARRY HIRSCHOWITZ Larry is an educational psychologist who does psychotherapy and assessments. 
JAYDON IMMERMANJaydon is a clinical psychologist who has been practicing for 20 years. He specialises in CBT and works with individuals and couples.
Melissa JanetMelissa is a social worker with 28 years of experience, both locally and in the United Kingdom. She has worked across many different sectors including with children, adults, disability, parenting, addiction and family interventions. Melissa's passion lies in assisting clients to return to their own unique and optimal levels of functioning, by using their inbuilt strengths and innate skills. Melissa offers a safe and compassionate therapeutic space to enhance healing and growth in her clients
Liane Lurie
Liane Lurie is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice. She works with adults, adolescents and families. She  has contributed towards articles in Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health magazines and spoken regularly on TV and Radio. She runs school based programmes focusing on areas such as bullying, self harm and eating disorders.
Mandy Magid
Mandy Magid is a clinical psychologist practising in Fairmount, Johannesburg. She works with adolescents and adults dealing with many different challenges. She focuses on depression, anxiety, personality difficulties, trauma and neuropsychological difficulties amongst others.  She uses EMDR- Eye movement desensitisation reprocessing, DBT, CBT and ego states theory.
Raylene PokroyRaylene is a psychologist in private practice, working with adolescents and adults. She assists patients with issues such as anxiety, mood-disorders, and relationship challenges. Her experience includes work in schools and with individual private patients.
Esti MedalieEsti Medalie is a social worker in private and a certified clinical Imago Relationship Therapist. Esti is passionate about working with individuals and couples in therapy.
ROMY MICHAELSONRomy has an MA in Drama therapy. Her work uses creative mediums to invite exploration into people’s internal worlds. The bulk of her work is with children and parents, with the aim of empowering them to bring out the best in their families. 
Yochi RessYochi is a Clinical Psychologist and mindfulness/resilience specialist (neuroscience based), with 20 years of working experience. He also speaks, consults and facilitates workshops in leadership.
YAEL O' REILLYYael is a clinical psychologist who works with adults over the age of 18. She has a special interest in women’s health including pre and post natal depression and anxiety, and female sexual difficulties / dysfunction. She is passionate about working with couples as well as helping singles navigate the dating terrain. She has founded and launched Shalhevet, an organisation who’s mission it is to bring the knowledge of professionals to single and married religious women with an aim to educate and empower.
PINCHAS SHIEL Pinchas is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalytic psycho-therapist providing individual therapy covering all aspects of growth. 
Julie ShillJulie is a registered counselor specializing in trauma debriefing. She uses specific trauma informed, evidence based research techniques such as EMDR and TMR which offer short-term therapy outcomes.
SArit sifrisSarit is a social worker with Hons in psychology. She has been in private practice for twenty years. She worked at both King David Linksfield primary and high schools. She currently works at Charlotte Maxeke Cystic fibris clinic in paediatric pulmonology alongside her private practice
HAYLEY SWARTZHaley Swartz is an Educational Psychologist. She has worked at a school for 8 years and has since been in private practice. Haley sees children, adolescents and adults for therapy. Psycho educational assessments are also offered. She works from more of a Brain Wiring Recursive Therapy approach (BWRT).
Julie ShillJulie is a registered counselor specializing in trauma debriefing. She uses specific trauma informed, evidence based research techniques such as EMDR and TMR which offer short-term therapy outcomes.
Arielle Susman
Arielle is a social worker with special interests in the field of trauma containment and debriefing as well as grief counselling. She works with individuals, couples, groups and families.
Sharoni TsarafiSharoni is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice. She see's adolescents and adults for psychotherapy at her practice in Craighall Park and I also offer online sessions.

Sharoni has a special interest in treating complex trauma, mood, eating disorder and anxiety symptoms. She cares about the uniqueness of each human being and story behind the symptoms they hold. Sharoni uses tenets from Psychodynamic, Attachment Theory, Internal Family Systems, and other trauma focused approaches to inform her process.
Jacqui Yates
Jacqui is a Registered Trauma Therapist who has been practicing for 17 years. She works with children, adolescents and adults. Her special interests are : Crisis intervention and trauma debriefing; Gender-based Violence and Stress Management. She aims to empower her clients with skills and facilitate them in their healing journey.
Ariella WolfAriella Wolf is a Registered Counsellor and Certified Life Coach who is passionate about assisting women in their growth to discover their authentic voice and become in touch with their intuition. Specialised areas of interest are Marriage Counselling and dealing with drug and alcohol addiction in the family.
Doron ZarDoron is a clinical psychologist who works predominantly from a psychodynamic perspective (in-depth feelings and experiences). The aim of which is to develop a capacity to be self-reflective and insightful about one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions so as to lead a more meaningful and effective life and to have healthier and more fulfilling relationships. He offers individual therapy and couples counselling.

Board members

Rabbi Daniel Beider, Shaun Zagnoev, Tamara Assness and Maria Beider


This was my first therapy experience &  it helped be so much with my phobias and with many other aspects within my life that I didn’t even know were affecting me so negatively. I have made a lot of changes in my life for the better.

I have grown a lot from this and will carry what I have learnt for the rest of my life. I am so grateful to my therapist and The Ki for providing me with this opportunity. I struggled with depression for a couple of years before this and I can honestly say that after these sessions I am feeling a lot better.

Since starting therapy, this has been the most productive I have ever been in forever. I appreciate everything you have done for me, this has been life changing.

My daughters were benefitting from their sessions with their KI therapists greatly. So appreciate being a Yid and being a part of this JHB community.

Gosh, forever grateful for Ki. I so desperately needed to talk to someone, my issues felt so overwhelming, and I couldn’t afford the rates for a psychologist. A friend referred me, and I started seeing a professional from Ki. I can’t express how she helped me and continues too. Incredibly grateful for this service. It’s got me through some of my hardest days. Thank you.

The Ki has allowed  important family members to get help who would NOT go for therapy due to having no medical aid. It has made a big difference allowing a few people in one family to all get help and pull together and not fall apart and self destruct.

As an old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young boy picking up starfish and putting them into the sea. He asked the boy why he was doing this. The boy answered that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.

“But the beach goes on for miles and there are thousands of starfish,” countered the old man. “How can your efforts make any difference?”

The young boy looked at the starfish in his hand and placed it safely into the waves. “It makes a difference to this one.”

Loren Eisley (American anthropologist)

Ki is an acronym for kochav yam : כי

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